SEE Customer Experience Awards Finalists 2020

Congratulations to all entrants that have been shortlisted as Finalists. Please note that categories that had more than 6 shortlisted entries have been split into two categories based on the initiatives. Company name announced is based on the company details written in the Entry Form. if you would like to update it please contact Kristina on

She will be your Awards Consultant going forward so please get in touch with her to schedule a call and cover next steps.

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Customers at the Heart of Everything

OTP Banka Srbija Telenor d.o.o. Generali Osiguranje Srbija a.d.o. E.ON Romania AVIS BUDGET GROUP PRO-MENS DOO Metric Global Network

Employees at the Heart of Everything - Large Companies

Concentrix Services Bulgaria EOOD CPM International - Airbnb (Change and Transformation) CPM International - Talent and Development Team Telenor d.o.o. - Retail Academy Telenor d.o.o. - Hooffice

Employees at the Heart of Everything

E.ON Romania Ingram Micro GBS Sofia AVIS BUDGET GROUP Mercury Processing Services International Metric Global Network

Digital Customer Experience

Telenor d.o.o. Repsly, Mobilna Informatika d.o.o. National Academy for Public Administration Verisec's Freja eID AVIS BUDGET GROUP PRO-MENS DOO

Financial Services

Metric Global Network Generali Osiguranje Srbija a.d.o. Mercury Processing Services International Credissimo

Team of the Year

Mercury Processing Services International Metric Global Network E.ON Romania Ingram Micro GBS Sofia PRO-MENS DOO Telenor d.o.o.

Team of the Year - Outsourcing

Ascensos CPM International CPM International

Best Contact Centre

Ascensos Ascensos Remix Global AD

CX Professional of the Year

Vassilis Nikolaou Sabrina Centauro Nikolina Horvat SubaĊĦi


Repsly's Advanced Reporting Ascensos AGEify Remix Global AD


Telenor d.o.o. Modulus Labrax ltd

Public Sector

Metric Global Network Upcom National Academy for Public Administration

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