South East Europe Customer Experience Awards.

We are proud to present the first edition of the South East Europe Customer Experience Awards.

These awards are united by a common purpose: to provide our customers with the fairest, most inspiring and most educational awards experiences possible. We will deliver the same standards of excellence to the South East Europe Customer Experience Awards that we bring to all our other awards programmes.

The following is an overview of the awards.
For more information have a look around the site or email

Recruitment of Entries
The first part of the Awards is recruitment of entries. Our Awards Consultants are here to help potential entrants understand more about the event and the many benefits they can obtain from participation.

At the same time, we build a team of upwards of 50 judges. To make the judging thorough, we aim to allocate 5 judges to each panel. This ensures the judges have the time to scrutinise every entry in detail. You may have noticed a tendency among awards to increase the numbers of judges. That’s because of us. Slowly but surely the awards sector is realising that, to do your entry justice, it takes time and effort. A panel of 5 judges with 100 entries can’t spend enough time on the entries, it’s as simple as that.

On average our entries are assessed for at least 7.5 hours and scored 10 times. The judges score the written submissions following the announcement of the finalists and before the event date of May 29th, using our online scoring app.

The Awards Finals
The 29th of May is the big day. The day all our judges and finalists and their guests and supporters have been waiting for. This is the day we hold the Awards Finals and ceremony. It’s an exhilarating experience. It’s a challenge, and it’s fun, active and exhilarating. Plus, it’s all online, from start to finish.

The effort which the finalists and judges make in the morning is rewarded by hearing the results during a fun and engaging awards ceremony - online on video conferencing platform and live on social media and YouTube.

During the morning 10 to 15 panels of judges assess the entries in live presentations. Categories of 5 finalists make presentations of 30 minutes to the judges. Back to back presentations are scored by the judges and the scores are entered into the online application, along with feedback and comments.

Awards Manager
The scores and comments are entered into our application, Awards Manager. We developed this software over the last ten years. It’s a bespoke application developed to ensure a smooth and enjoyable experience for our customers. Awards Manager also provides us with complete transparency at every stage of the entry and judging process. Awards Manager ensures we never lose an entry, never announce the wrong winners and we can always investigate any queries from our customers, with complete confidence. (Did someone say never say never?). It also enables us to send out judges’ feedback and category and individual scores to all our entrants following the awards.

The Awards Ceremony
The awards ceremony takes an hour or so in the afternoon and its online from start to finish. It will begin about an hour after judging finishes.

A special host who runs the awards ceremony announces the awards presenters. The presenters announce the winners in each category, with the whole ceremony taking about an hour. It’s extremely fun - you’ll be glued to your seat and screen! This will be streaming live on the internet so you can invite all your colleagues from work and even your friends to watch.

The finalists need to prepare a short acceptance speech and description of what they did, because when they win they will be asked to join the host for a few minutes. We record the announcement and the acceptance speech and share it with you following the event. After all the category winners are announced the host announces the overall winner. The overall winner is that entry which has received the highest score of all the entries.

Following the awards, we will send the trophies, winners logo and finalists logos to the finalists and of course celebrate the event with as much media and publicity as we can. We will features many of the winners and judges in CXM, in case studies, interviews, webinars and conferences. We hope to engage and add value to our customers all year round not just at the events.


A fully online awards experience Open sessions plus "CXTrendTalks" No win no fee (well almost) Every company who makes the finals will be issued with a Finalist’s logo A new and improved set of categories Held on 29th May Ian Golding will be our Awards Chairman The Judge Club


Gain recognition for what you’ve achieved.

Hear stories of CX success by attending the Open Presentations.

Raise your profile and generate PR for your company.

Increase your network, with the opportunity to connect with hundreds of professionals.

Raise staff morale by attending a fun and memorable event with the whole team.

Get feedback on your entry and improve with detailed feedback following the Awards.


Early bird entry deadline - 6th December 2019

Entry deadline - 6th March 2020

Finalists Announced - 20th March 2020

Early bird booking deadline - 15th May 2020

Booking deadline - 22nd May 2020

Awards Finals - 29th May 2020

We have categories to suit every organisation.
Which ones are best for you?


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