Apply to Judge

To maintain our high standards and ensure our awards remain fair and transparent, we rely on a team of independent business professionals to put our Finalists to the test.

Being a judge at the South East Europe Customer Experience Awards is the perfect way to share your knowledge and experience whilst having the opportunity to hear how top companies are defining excellence in customer experience.

Our judges should be personable, approachable and passionate about providing valuable feedback for our Finalists.

Overall, being a judge allows you raise your profile, network with other business leaders and help finalists improve their strategy with detailed, constructive criticism.

To see our step-by-step guide to becoming an awards judge, click here.



first-hand from other professionals in your category, who will share some of the latest ideas around implementing great customer experience strategies.


entries, both online and face-to-face, giving you the opportunity to learn, ask questions and clarify important elements.


finalists to improve their customer experience by giving detailed, useful feedback.


Enhance your credibility by attending the awards and including the role on your CV.

Network with the other judges and finalists at the awards and beyond.

Become of a member of The Judge Club with many savings and exclusive opportunities and events.

Apply to present in The CXTrendTalks events online, chair webinars and work with Awards International to raise your profile.

Benefit from the significant promotion which we give you, via social media posts, presence on the panel on our website and in our newsletters.

Once you have shown your capability and earned the respect of other judges, become a chair of a judging panel. As a chair you lead the scoring at the live presentations and present an award on stage.

Hear what other businesses are doing to achieve competitive advantage, how they succeeded and ask questions of entrants in an exclusive and intimate setting.

Get invited to judge at other awards.

Use a promotional card and awards judge logo on your social media and your email signature.

Submit thought leadership and other contributions to 23,000 subscribers through Customer Experience Magazine.

Develop your personal and professional brand.

Receive your judge certificate with updates each time you judge.


We are looking for a diverse team of judges with a robust mix of business expertise.

We are therefore looking for candidates who meet one or more of the following criteria:

Have knowledge and experience within customer experience

Hold a relevant business qualification or belong to a relevant academic establishment e.g. a business school

Have a passion for the delivery of exceptional business performance

Have substantial experience in business coaching and giving constructive feedback

So, if this sounds like you, please send in your CV/profile to

Please note: If you have judged at one of our awards before, you will not be required to send another copy of your CV.


The judging package is €249+VAT. It includes:

  • Your seat at the gala lunch and Awards ceremony
  • A personalised judge’s logo to be used on your social media profile, website and business stationery
  • A judge’s announcement graphic shared across our online network
  • A personal profile and logo include on the ‘Meet the Judges’ webpage
  • Much more - contact our team today

If you would like to discuss becoming a judge at the South East Europe Customer Experience Awards please call Filip Lampic on +44 20863 88015 or email

Alternatively, you can send us the link to your LinkedIn profile using the form below.


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