The Awards take place in two stages: the Awards Finals are on February 3, and the Awards Ceremony will be held a week later, on February 9. Your booking allows you to attend both events.

We'll be holding the Awards online, enabling businesses across the country to take part with ease. Bookings allow you to:

  • Have 5 or more people at the Awards Finals and Ceremony
  • Present your initiatives at the online Awards Finals
  • Attend the LIVE online Awards Ceremony to find out the winners and celebrate UK entrepreneurship and innovation
  • Attend open presentations at the Awards Finals and learn about best practices from fellow finalists
  • Build connections with other attendees through the Awards Manager app
  • Have the option of joining The Judge Club at a discounted rate

Winners will also have the following included in their ticket price:

  • The chance to deliver an acceptance speech at the Awards Ceremony
  • A winner’s digital certificate
  • Customised digital logos and banners for your website and social media promotion
  • Promotion of your victory on our website, newsletter and social media channels
  • The opportunity to become a speaker at our future events
  • The chance to be interviewed for future blogs or white papers
  • The opportunity to be featured in Customer Experience Magazine
  • A beautiful trophy engraved with your organisation's name and logo*

*Delivery of trophies to the UK mainland is included in the booking fee. Delivery to other destinations will have an additional cost.

The ceremony will run from 6.30 to 10.00 PM and will include a thought-provoking keynote speech, networking shuffle, and of course, the announcement of the winners!


Early Bird booking prices until 21st January 2022

Micro businesses and start-ups: £199* (additional tickets: £39*).

SMEs: £349* (additional tickets: £49*).

Large companies: £499* (additional tickets £99*).

Standard booking prices until booking deadline of 27th January 2022

Micro businesses and start-ups: £249* (additional tickets: £49*).

SMEs: £449* (additional tickets: £79*).

Large companies: £599* (additional tickets £119*).

*prices are subject to VAT

For more information about the booking process, please contact your Awards Consultant, Miodrag Nikolic: he’d be happy to help!


contact information

billing information

N.B if paying by credit card, the billing address must match the address to which the card is registered

Currency choice

Please choose your prefered currency.

Payment details

Sub Total
VAT (20%)
Total (including VAT)
online payment

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