How to write an award-winning entry- top tips!

How to write an award-winning entry- top tips!

Creating a compelling award entry for the UK Customer Experience Awards requires passion, enthusiasm and clear, concise copy to engage the judges. Here are some quick tips we’ve picked up from talking to last year’s panel: 


Tell a story – grab the judges’ attention and retain it through a human interest story. Write passionately about your organisation and you will inspire the judges to share your enthusiasm.

Be relevant – every business has fantastic achievements to shout about - just ensure you are meeting the specified criteria. You can access the scoring guide here. And if you are entering the same initiative in more than one category, think about how to re-write elements so the entry is relevant within the category.

Substantiate your claims – don’t make claims you cannot prove. Supporting information allows you to highlight this through graphs and charts. Use images and testimonials to help build a picture of your brand and the results you have achieved through excellent customer experience. 


Over complicate your copy – our judges will be reading lots of entries. Write in plain English so the judges can quickly get to the heart of your entry without picking their way through business jargon. 

Bend the rules – before entering, check you are eligible and have noted the rules. Being disqualified on a technical point is so disheartening. If in doubt, get in touch with our Awards Consultant,Fiona Bentley on 020 7193 2009 or email her on

Leave it too late – planning and writing an award entry is a lengthy process. Ensure you have the available time and resources. Don’t forget you can involve your whole team to improve engagement or gain expert support from our award specialist partners

Making it to the finals of the world’s largest customer experience awards event is something to be proud of. So good luck with your entries – show the judges why your commitment to customer experience sets your company apart.

Take a look at the categories here

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