Five Outstanding Winning Attitudes from Four Seasons Health Care

Five Outstanding Winning Attitudes from Four Seasons Health Care

This outstanding company was the centre of attention at the 2016 CXA, and their initiative is a great example of how a well-structured customer engagement campaign can lead to better customer loyalty, better CX overall and in Four Seasons Health Care's case, a better community.  

If you’re interested to find out more about Four Seasons Health Care, and about their initiative in greater detail, you can download a comprehensive case study HERE, absolutely free. In this case study, you can read about their entire initiative as well as the business context behind their customer-centric developments.

Their developments were further supported by their in-house attitudes towards every change, and as a result, the changes weren’t only successful, they were also award-winning.

So here are five outstanding winning attitudes from Four Seasons Health Care which lead to their Overall Winner category victory.

Customer-centric to the Core

The importance of customer-centricity cannot be overstated, and in the case of Four Seasons Health Care, customer-centricity is the leading attitude that shaped their developments and supported their implementation. 

Providing the best possible residential, nursing and dementia care to over 16,000 seniors, Four Seasons Health Care also understands how their internal company attitudes influence the level of service they can provide. As a result, their entire attitude is led by the idea of taking pride in ensuring that their residents feel looked after and are happy to be there.   

Serious about Feedback

As the main element of their initiative, the Quality of Life programme, Four Season Health Care had to overhaul their customer feedback system to include a sleek new paperless approach. This included the centralisation of all feedback through electronic data collection via tablets and built-in feedback stations located in their homes.

This new approach to feedback allowed residents to get involved and have their say on the smaller things impacting everyday life instead of having to file more ‘formal’ complaints. As a result, Four Seasons Health Care successfully discovered and resolved over 77,000 issues affecting the 300 care homes they operate throughout the UK.

Full Company Involvement

Through the centralization of feedback, Four Seasons Health Care was able to create a fully transparent and previously unheard of level of understanding of issues, where managers could find out what residents were saying through   Residents & Relatives meetings. These meetings involved representatives from all stages of the company and thanks to the newly acquired data and findings from the revamped feedback systems the level of service became uniform across all homes.

Raising Awareness

Understanding that their initiative requires resident participation, Four Seasons Health Care also backed up the rollout of their new programme with an awareness initiative which helped to develop an understanding of the programme while describing the benefits to residents. 

This was also further supported with serious pilot tests and senior leadership feedback, who took the time to visit the participating homes and get input directly from residents and visitors.

Proactive Support

The entire initiative was based around the idea of providing proactive customer support to their residents. Four Seasons Health Care also made sure that the rollout of the Quality of Life programme is the focal point of recent developments which ensured better distribution of company resources and a clear goal.

The idea of providing proactive support is also a very important attitude that made the entire initiative come together in a well thought out and consistent manner. As a result, changes were successfully made across all homes and all parts of the project were clear and transparent from the very beginning.

Developing Winning Attitudes

Having the right mindset can make the difference between successful developments and lacklustre initiatives. Because of that, it is imperative that businesses always understand as many elements of their organisation, as well as their customer, in order to set clear goals and back those goals up with the right attitude.  

Four Seasons Health Care was able to bring all of these elements together and create a programme that benefits their residents while also helping to centralise many areas of their organisation which helped both staff and management.

Developing winning attitudes is by far one of the most important aspects of running a business, and it’s something that all of the finalists and winners from the UK Customer Experience Awards displayed in 2016.

If you’d like to read more about such attitudes, and why they are probably the most important thing in your organisation, then make sure to download your free copy of the latest CXA download - Winning Attitudes, An Analysis of the Common Attitudes towards Customer Experience at Award Winning Companies from the 2016 UK CXA


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