Wetherspoons Tax Equality Day means you can get cheap food today

Wetherspoons Tax Equality Day means you can get cheap food today

Are you a fan of Wetherspoons? Do you know someone who is?

September 20 could be your lucky day, as the chain is offering a 7.5% discount on everything.

For example, a meal and a drink costing £10 would be £9.25 on Wednesday – a saving of £3 if you went to eat as a group of four.

The pub is doing it to support Tax Equality Day, organised by the hospitality industry in protest at what they see as unfair pricing advantages for supermarkets.

At the moment, food and drink in pubs is subject to 20 per cent VAT, whereas no VAT is charged for food sold in supermarkets.

This means supermarkets can use the saving to sell alcohol at a discounted rate, Wetherspoons say.

‘We are proud to support the campaign to reduce the level of VAT in the pub industry,’ company chairman Tim Martin, said.

‘On Tax Equality Day, customers in our pubs will find the price of their drinks and food to be lower than normal. We are keen to highlight the amount which customers would save, if VAT in pubs were lowered permanently.’

In Scotland, different licensing rules mean the discount will only apply to food and soft drinks, not alcohol.

Tim claimed: ‘A reduction in the level of VAT, on a long-term basis, will generate growth and create jobs in the important leisure and hospitality sector.

‘Creating tax equality among pubs, restaurants and supermarkets will fulfil many government objectives. It will create more jobs and raise the amount of taxes which the government receives, since pubs and restaurants pay more taxes and create more jobs than supermarkets do.

‘It is a win-win situation for the government and our industry.’


Source: Metro.co.uk


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