Competing for the Prestige

Competing for the Prestige

"If there is anything people want more than money, it's positive recognition."

Neil Skehel, CEO, Awards International


It’s official. The finalists for the UK Customer Experience Awards 2017 have finally been announced. The awards recognise and reward outstanding achievement in customer experience across sectors, business disciplines and personnel. 

With more than 200 entries shortlisted and over 200 presentations at the finals, UK Customer Experience Awards is definitely one of, if not the biggest CX event in the world this year!

Finalists in each of the categories will present their entry to a team of experienced judges at the ExCel in London on the 28th September 2017. 

After judging has taken place, the winners will be announced during a black tie gala dinner and celebration – a well-deserved reward for judges, finalists and guests!

Ian Golding, Chair of the shortlisting panel and global CX Consultant, a highly recognised CX expert said. 

“Many people recognise these awards as amongst the toughest to win. As a judge every year since the inception of these awards in 2010, I can vouch that the scoring is rigorous; the entries always of a high standard and the judges are always tough. Being a finalist means a great deal and being a winner means they really achieved something great”

Awards International is delighted to confirm headline sponsor Confirmit and category sponsor Reflection PR and Mindpearl. They are joined by partners Huthwaite International, Customer Experience Magazine, Cranfield School of Management and charity partner, Barnardo’s.

The winners are decided by large panels of independent judges, men and women with deep experience in business and customer experience. 50% of the score is allocated for online submissions and 50% for the live presentations. Many of the finalists elect to make their presentations open so that others can watch and learn. Learning and knowledge from the awards will be shared with finalists in the form of an e-book, following the finals. All finalists receive written feedback and scores from the judging panels following the awards.

We are looking forward to amazing finals on September 28th at ExCeL London where over 100 organisations will compete to win an impressive trophy and the recognition for their hard work through the year behind them. 

Good luck to all, and let the best win! 


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